Imagine your food being potent enough to be your medicine.
Many of our fruits and vegetables don't have the nutrients that scientist say they are high in because the soil they were grown in was depleted of those nutrients. Produce gets its minerals and nutrients directly from the ground. Broccoli high in calcium didn't get that way by manufacturing calcium in the plant itself. The calcium was in the soil. Not only will a nutrient dense broccoli resist disease and pests, it will help you actually resist osteoporosis.
Get your soil tested.
For a basic soil test, every county in the USA has an extension office. Search your county's name + state + and the words "extension office". Call the number and ask them: if they do soil tests, the procedure, the cost, and how to submit it.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Big, red, flawless tomatoes and large, orange carrots don't mean they are full of nutrition. a good amount of phosphorus will make your vegetables nice and big. But they taste bad and don't have any nutrients because the nutrient balance in the soil is off. Contact me and lets get your soil healthy.
Test your soil once a year. The ideal time is in August when the soil biology has exhausted the nutrients in the soil. But any time is better then never.
This what a soil test result basically looks like when it is emailed back to you.
This is what I will give you when after I do the math and chemistry for you: easy steps to get amendments into your soil, according to the size of your garden beds.
Keep coming back here to find more information on each element the soil needs and why it is important for your soil, plants, and nutrition.